dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2015

SERVICE LEARNING: 24th October 2015

4ESO students participating in the JORNADA SOLIDÀRIA. They learnt personal relationships, empathy, responsibility, respect, punctuality, communicative abilities, teamwork, solidarity and love and they enjoyed a lot! THANKS!

diumenge, 4 d’octubre del 2015

Vídeo/Time-lapse del Gran Recapte d'Aliments de Catalunya

Are you an active citizen?

Do you want to be an active citizen and take part in improving the quality of the community you are living in?
There is a way of doing that. You can learn from your own experience based on social responsibility and values. You are doing Service Learning in your community.

Two events are taking place in your town: You can volunteer and at the same time your learning from giving a service to your community. HELPING ON THAT DAY! SAT.24/OCTOBER

I want to volunteer in the Big Food Donation last weekend of November
in teams of 2 students in a list of supermarkets
Gran Recapte d'Alimentshttp://www.granrecapte.com/index.php

dilluns, 14 de setembre del 2015


The concept is a simple one: Students provide service in their community that is directly connected to their academic coursework, and the community provides an educational experience for the student.

For this school year you will be engaged in some experiences like:

  • Participating in the Day of Solidarity 24 October fot those citizens affected by the explosion on the 25 July-
  • Campaigns on El gran recapte d'Aliments.

dijous, 3 de setembre del 2015

Latest news. WHY?????

For the latest news about the migrant crisis visit

BBC News

WHY is it happening?
Why are they leaving their countries?
Why are they mainly fleeding to Europe?
What is the Dublin agreement?

Angela Merkel criticised over crying refugee - BBC News


Dear students,
Welcome back to school agian. hopefully, this school year will be a great time for challenges and goals for you all. You are lucky to live in a country in peace and to ahave a family and a school. everybody takes it for granted in the Europe on the 21st century, however, you know that this is NOT TRUE AT ALL!

Learn more about the Syrian refugees at Quick facts about the Syrian refugees

dijous, 16 d’abril del 2015

Sor Lucía Caram, Catalan of the Year, 2015

Sor Lucía Caram, social activist, awarded with the prize Catalan of the Year 2015. Her fight for the poorest and the social and economic inequality has pushed her to stand for the others.

dilluns, 12 de gener del 2015



Registration: from October 13th 2014 to March 2nd 2015
Initial stage: from 19th January to 20th March
>Reading the editions of the online newspaper “Euroscolos 2015”, watching audiovisual material, following the topics of the Contest through Euroscola’s accounts in diverse social networks and performing an objective test.
>Preparation of the activity/activities for the Final Stage
Final stage: March 24th and finish on April 14th
>Creating a blog in which the initiative developed by each team will be posted.
>Designing a plan for the promotion and dissemination of their initiative
>Liaising with the Europe Direct centres in their area

European MP's reaction